1. Visit http://support.asus.com/download/download.aspx?SLanguage=en-us, search 1001HA and choose DOS or WinXP, etc. as operating system. Expand BIOS tree and download latest bios rom file.
2. Save and extract the downloaded file. You will get a rom file named like "1005HA-ASUS-1601.ROM"
3. Rename the extracted file to 1005HA.ROM
4. Now is most problematic step. Format your pendrive, sdcard to FAT16 partition.
If you have pendrive formatted to other than FAT16, your flashing stuck on: Reading file "1005HA.ROM" or you will get message: USB Device not found!
You can turn off your laptop when stuck there and try make compatible pendrive.
Bad formatted FAT16 can send message like: Reading file "1005HA.ROM"
File "1005HA.ROM" not found on USB Device!
Like on screen below.
You will need GParted for propertly format your pendrive. You can find it here:
GParted download
Best way is make bootable LiveCD with GParted.
When you turn on GParted, select your pendrive on right-top corner mostly named sdb1, and just delete located space on him by clicked RMB and Delete on partition, and then click RMB > New and set options like on screen below:
Most important thing is:
- New Size, can't be too large just put there 128MiB
- File system, as we knew: FAT16
- Align to: Cylinder
Press add and apply your changes.
Well you have formatted pendrive.
5. Copy your ROM file on new formatted pendrive.
6. Plug-in pendrive to laptop and press [Alt] + [F2] before splash screen appear.
7. It takes a few seconds for me. Remember, DON'T turn off your laptop during re-programming BIOS!
8. After updated BIOS you will be notified that you can shut down your laptop.
Thank you for the detailed instructions, I read a Debian page but they did not mention the need for a smaller partition!
OdpowiedzUsuńThank you!!!
OdpowiedzUsuńThank you a lot !! You'r are great !! I used ubcd on a pendrive for to have gparted.
OdpowiedzUsuńMerci beaucoup, j'ai utilisé ubcd sur une clé USB pour avoir Gparted. Ca marche !!